ストーリー STORY

店名のal mar(アルマール)はスペイン語で「海へ」という意味です。店の名前を考えていたある日、何かの雑誌で「疲れたら海へ帰ればいい」という言葉を見かけました。私たちもふと海を見に行きたくなることがあります。「海へ」いいかもしれない。「al mar」を店の名前にすることにしました。スペイン語になったのには別の話がありますがそれはまたの機会に。



The name of the store, al mar, means “to the sea” in Spanish. One day, when we were thinking of a name for the store, we saw the words “If you’re tired, just go back to the sea” in a magazine. Sometimes we also want to go see the sea. “To the sea” might be good. We decided to make “al mar” the name of the store. There is another story behind why it became Spanish, but we will talk about that another time.

Originally, we both worked in Tokyo, but we started looking for a new way of life when we passed the halfway point of our lives. We wanted to live something different, not just grow older. In the midst of all this, we happened to travel to Amami Oshima in 2018, and on that trip we met wonderful people and were moved by the beautiful nature, which triggered our plan to move to this island.

Five years have passed since then. Our plans were also in disarray due to the chaos of COVID-19 and the Ukrainian war, but we finally opened the store in June 2024. From the terrace seats on the south side of the restaurant you can catch a glimpse of the Pacific Ocean, and from the seats on the north side you can see the sacred land of Amandi. I’m looking forward to seeing what stories will be created at this restaurant in the future.

アルマールの提供するもの WHAT al mar OFFERS





Our restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea. We also offer a takeaway menu.

One of our main dishes is grilled sandwiches. I was so impressed by the crispy grilled sandwiches I had in Tokyo a long time ago that I decided to go for the grilled sandwiches route. We are still halfway there, but we will continue to strive to provide even more delicious dishes.

Our lunch menu is a plate lunch that changes regularly. We use locally sourced vegetables (include organic) and herbs from the fields behind our restaurant.

We like dark roasted coffee, and we order our beans from Fukuoka and Kobe. Please enjoy our meals, sweets, and coffee along with our carefully selected music.